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Complete AI Knowledge Base Guide

Nathan Burkholder

Nathan Burkholder

Head of Business Development

Published on August 1
An illustration of people interacting with robotic arms, signifying AI knowledge base in action.

AI Knowledge Base Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Whoever said knowledge is power was right. Today, data and knowledge are everything. And when you can automate knowledge, you know you’ve hit the nail right on the head.

This is what an AI knowledge base does; it automates understanding, processing, and retrieving information, which the traditional knowledge base takes more time to do.

In fact, it does more than just manipulate information in seconds. Interested? Let’s uncover everything you need to know about an AI-powered knowledge base.

Traditional Knowledge Base: Challenges and Limitations

Before we dive into AI knowledge bases, it’s essential to understand what a traditional knowledge base is and the challenges it presents.

A traditional knowledge base typically involves information stored on a drive or published somewhere within an organization. Historically, creating and maintaining these knowledge bases has required significant time and effort, often providing marginal returns due to several challenges:

  • Difficulty in Finding Content: Users often struggle to find the information they need, leading to the creation of complex organizational structures, hierarchies, and drill-downs. However, these structures are not always effective for all audiences, resulting in a lowest-common-denominator product that may not meet specific needs well.
  • Stagnant and Outdated Information: Traditional knowledge bases require constant updating to remain accurate and relevant. The effort involved in maintaining these bases often leads to outdated or inaccurate information, diminishing trust and usability. For businesses aiming for continuous growth, adopting a knowledge management system for business growth can be a transformative solution. This kind of system ensures that the information remains current and accessible, significantly improving efficiency and user satisfaction.

AI Knowledge Base: A Transformative Solution

Enter AI knowledge bases, a transformative technology that addresses the inherent limitations of traditional knowledge bases. AI knowledge bases are revolutionizing the way organizations manage, access, and utilize information for several compelling reasons:

  • Dynamic and Up-to-Date: AI knowledge bases are continuously updated, ensuring that the information remains current and relevant. This eliminates the problem of outdated content that plagues traditional knowledge bases.
  • Tailored to the Individual: Unlike traditional systems, AI knowledge bases can customize the delivery of information based on the user's role, preferences, and needs. This personalized approach ensures that users receive the most relevant information in a format that is easy for them to understand. This approach is particularly beneficial in HR, where integrating AI can streamline processes and improve efficiency, as discussed in AI in HR article.
  • Enhanced Discoverability: AI-driven search capabilities, powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), make finding information faster and more intuitive. This integration of AI and business intelligence significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of data retrieval. Users can ask questions in natural language and receive accurate, context-specific answers without having to navigate complex hierarchies.
  • Increased Trust and Adoption: By providing accurate and reliable information quickly, AI knowledge bases build trust among users. This encourages wider adoption and consistent use, which further enhances the value of the knowledge base.

Understanding AI Knowledge Base

An illustration of a robotic figure managing data between servers.

Simply put, an AI knowledge base is the hub of information that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) models to understand, process, retrieve, and manage accurate information for users on demand. The whole system is home to all the information you could ask for, which can be retrieved any time you want in a matter of seconds.

Let’s learn a bit more about the two main components that facilitate the system:

  • Natural Language Process: NLP allows computers to understand and mimic human language. It comes into the picture when the meaning and context behind the speech or text input need to be analyzed and understood. This allows the AI knowledge base to respond to user questions and queries, eliminating the need to rely on mere keywords to analyze the context of user queries.
  • Machine Learning: ML algorithms are designed to learn from the data inputs, improve performance by identifying patterns, and make predictions with little to no human effort. They can improve the search results and analyze and understand data for personalized responses.

The two work in tandem to make an AI knowledge base functional. Over time, the system learns from the interaction between the user and the computer, refines its understanding of human language, and adapts to the context to provide more accurate responses that users can use and find helpful.

Challenges and Limitations of AI Knowledge Bases

While AI knowledge bases offer transformative benefits, they are not without challenges. One of the most significant issues is the phenomenon of "hallucinations."

  • What Are Hallucinations? Hallucinations occur when an AI tool generates responses that seem authoritative but are factually incorrect. This happens because the AI is designed to provide answers even when it lacks sufficient data, leading it to fabricate information to fill gaps.
  • Impact on Trust and Accuracy: Hallucinations are particularly problematic in business applications where trust and accuracy are paramount. Even a few inaccurate responses can undermine user confidence in the system.
  • Prevalence: Most AI systems can have hallucination rates between 20% to 30% in their responses, making it crucial for businesses to choose AI knowledge bases that prioritize accuracy and have mechanisms to minimize hallucinations.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Fine-tuning models, employing multi-agent modeling, and identifying gaps in data can help reduce the occurrence of hallucinations. It's important to select an AI knowledge base that demonstrates a commitment to accuracy and transparency.

Types of AI Knowledge Base Content

An illustration of a team of people managing and organizing digital documents on a large screen, with one person holding a magnifying glass.

There are three main types of knowledge base content: Structured, Unstructured, and Automated Knowledge. For a deeper understanding of different types of knowledge bases, it’s important to explore what is search-as-a-service and how it functions.

Here’s what each type entails:

Content TypeWhat It Is
Structured KnowledgeStructured knowledge content refers to information that is organized systematically and predefined, making it easy for machines to search and analyze data. This data type includes blog posts, website content, FAQ sections, how-to articles, troubleshooting guides, glossaries, and manuals. It follows an information hierarchy, with the most relevant data at the top and the less useful information at the bottom. Each piece of information has its distinct category, which makes it structured and easier for the user to navigate through the knowledge.
Unstructured KnowledgeUnstructured knowledge content refers to information that doesn’t have a predefined structure or format or isn’t classified under certain keywords or specific fields. This includes messages, customer emails, chat transcripts, social media interactions, and forum discussions. Due to its various forms, organizing unstructured data is difficult, and the lack of a predefined structure makes it even more difficult to manage. This is where NLP and ML come into the picture. The algorithms extract meanings from the hoards of unstructured data to provide valuable information.
Automated KnowledgeAutomated knowledge content is generated automatically by AI algorithms. It is regularly and continuously refined, updated, formatted, and created based on user interactions and feedback. It can suggest responses to common customer questions and queries, summarize lengthy documents, and provide recommendations for improving existing content thanks to user engagement metrics.

6 Top AI Knowledge Base Software

Now that we’re familiar with the basics, here are some of the best AI knowledge base software that you can use to automate and streamline your data:

1. Atlas UP

A screenshot of AtlasUP’s homepage, showcasing their AI knowledge base solution.

Atlas UP is an all-in-one knowledge base software that allows you to ask questions about your company data and get answers instantly. It’s like having a supercharged AI assistant at your fingertips, integrating HR, finance, and other internal systems to deliver a comprehensive business overview.

Simply type in your question, and Atlas UP pulls relevant data and breaks it down into easy-to-digest insights. Complex information is simplified, just like that.

How Atlas UP Prioritizes Accuracy

If you’re still wondering, “What can Atlas UP do for me?,” here are some benefits of our tool:

  • Dynamic Content Tailoring: Tailors process documents, policy documents, and knowledge portal information to the individual based on their role and context within the organization.
  • Advanced NLP and ML: Utilizes advanced NLP and ML to understand user queries in natural language and provide accurate, context-specific responses.
  • Mitigating Hallucinations: Atlas UP employs multi-agent modeling to identify and remove hallucinations from responses. It also highlights when information is missing from your data sets, providing accurate responses based on existing data and indicating gaps when necessary.
  • Enhanced Security: Safeguards all information with advanced encryption and compliance policies, ensuring your data is secure and not used for model training or marketing without consent.

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  • Various GPT AI features for complex data analysis and versatile inquiries
  • Integration with calendar tools for aligned scheduling
  • Integrated permission controls to facilitate access to sensitive employee data such as performance and pay
  • Documentation of business processes, policies, and procedures.

2. Zendesk

A screenshot of Zendesk’s homepage, showcasing their AI knowledge base solution.

With powerful knowledge-based software and an easy-to-use interface, Zendesk has many exceptional generative AI capabilities. It improves customer employee experience thanks to its self-service options. It has an amazing AI-powered feature called content cues that use ML to improve the knowledge base. Moreover, it uses generative AI to improve and help control content creation with minimal human intervention.


  • Ticketing system to streamline customer support
  • Multi-channel support
  • Self-service knowledge base to reduce the load on support teams
  • Analytics and dashboard

3. Capacity

A screenshot of Capacity’s homepage, showcasing their AI knowledge base solution.

Capacity is another great AI-powered software that manages and provides information as and when needed. It acts as a central repository of all information, where employees can access data in one place. It comes with a search feature and an automated inquiry generator that allows employees to retrieve specific information easily within no time.


  • No duplicate or conflicting exchanges to ensure all entries are unique.
  • Unmatched machine learning that continuously adapts to the knowledge base.
  • Drag-and-drop knowledge organization.
  • Access permissions for authorized users.

4. Starmind

A screenshot of Starmind’s homepage, showcasing their AI knowledge base solution.

Alt text: A screenshot of Starmind’s homepage, showcasing their AI knowledge base solution.

Starmind has an organization-wide internal directory that, in collaboration with ML algorithms, helps with knowledge sharing. The information is sourced from subject matter experts in response to employee search queries. The most interesting aspect is that if the knowledge base does not have results for the search query, Starmind connects the user with an internal expert, which means the user gets their answer. The new information is then stored in the knowledge base, keeping it up to date.


  • AI-based expert identification to connect with subject matter experts.
  • Content quality features, such as automated content review.
  • Rich engagement features, such as interactive Q&A.
  • Standard analytics and reporting.

5. Guru

A screenshot of Guru’s homepage, explaining about their AI knowledge base solution.

Guru has a centralized information hub where employees can ask questions, share information, and get customized recommendations based on their searches. ML is used to refine the search results and verify the knowledge base content. Moreover, it has a browser extension that can integrate with the company’s existing tools, enabling real-time access to information.


  • AI Content assists with smart suggestions.
  • Collaborative content editor to facilitate teamwork.
  • Automated in-context knowledge, such as contextual pop-ups.

6. Tettra

A screenshot of Tettra’s homepage, showcasing their AI knowledge base solution.

Thanks to its ability to organize company information well, Tettra is used for documentation and collaboration in enterprises. It can create content for an internal knowledge base where the company can share and access information while the AI assistant answers user questions and queries in seconds.


  • User permissions to assign roles.
  • Usage analytics for in-depth data reporting.
  • Knowledge management for better organization of data.

Benefits of AI Knowledge Base

An illustration of a group of diverse people holding and displaying large stars, indicating a rating or feedback concept.

An AI knowledge base can do a lot more for the users than what meets the eye.

Facilitates Customer Self-Service

Since everything is automated, customers can serve themselves thanks to intuitive search capabilities and AI-powered recommendations. Interactive chatbots and intelligent search can reduce dependency on agents, while NLP analyzes user search queries and provides useful results in seconds.

Retrieves Knowledge Efficiently

NLP is well-versed in human language. It allows users to ask questions and make queries in their natural human language rather than targeting specific keywords, making it easier for them to retrieve information. The user only has to ask one simple question, and an AI knowledge base will generate very relevant results.

Improves Response Time

Trying to retrieve information through a traditional knowledge base can take a considerable amount of time. This is where the quick response time of an AI knowledge base is a boon. It has readily available information that users can retrieve in seconds without relying on keywords. Moreover, it reduces repeat conversations, which allows customer support agents to ask the right questions based on the input and solve problems.

Reduces Operational Costs

One of the most interesting benefits of an AI knowledge base is reducing operational costs. It essentially automates tasks like answering queries so human agents can focus on more pressing issues. Since AI can understand search queries quickly and automate a relevant response in seconds, humans are freed from answering mundane questions when they should be doing something more important.

Building Your AI Knowledge Base

An illustration of a digital brain surrounded by futuristic data charts and graphs in a high-tech environment.

Building an AI knowledge base creates an automated centralized information hub for your business website.

1. Define Your Goals and Scope

The first step is to define your objective and scope of the knowledge base. This will allow you to know exactly what questions your knowledge base will have to answer. Consider the types of questions that the user might ask. This would require research into goals, target audience, and expected results. To understand the integration process better, you can learn how to integrate AI into your business.

2. Choose Your Knowledge Base Software

There are many tools available that can build an AI knowledge base. You must research and choose the one that suits your company’s objective. Some of the factors to consider while picking a suitable software are ease of use, various AI capabilities, scope of integration, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. It’s best to try different software to see which suits your goals the best. Fortunately, most of them offer a free trial or demo where you can test their capabilities and functionality.

We recommend our AI knowledge base solution, Atlas UP. It’s suitable for businesses of all levels that want to maximize their information assets without ever compromising on security or compliance. It’s a win-win for your business. You can book a demo with us to experience its features firsthand.

3. Gather and Preprocess Data

Next, gather all the relevant data, including existing documents, customer interactions, user information, FAQs, and any other data you would like to add to your knowledge base. Then, preprocess the data you have by cleaning, organizing, and structuring it for further AI analysis. Data accuracy and quality are key here. This will help improve the effectiveness of your AI model.

4. Select the Right Structure

You must aim to create an AI-powered knowledge base with the best possible framework for content organization. Depending on the type of data you have and the preferences of your consumers, you can choose between several formats, namely structured, unstructured, and automated. Create a classification, taxonomy, or tagging scheme for effective information retrieval.

5. Create and Update High-Quality Content

Infuse high-quality content into your knowledge base. The information should be accurate and relevant to the end user. You can create content like guides, articles, FAQs, manuals, how-to posts, tutorials, and more. The content should be designed to address your customers' common queries so they have ready information at hand for a simple search query. This information would have to be regularly updated while keeping the information accurate and relevant.

6. Implement Your AI Model

You need to implement your AI model in the form of NLP and ML into your knowledge base. This is where AI knowledge base software, such as Atlas UP, comes in handy, as it comes pre-trained, eliminating the time it takes to train the knowledge base manually. Once you have the fundamentals down, you can tweak the algorithms and improve the relevance and accuracy of the knowledge base based on your requirements and target audience.

7. Test and Refine Your AI System

Test your AI knowledge base and see if its performance meets the expectations. Some things to test are responsiveness, accuracy, relevance, and usability across different customer interactions. The system can be refined using customer feedback to identify problems and improve the AI system.

Moreover, you must continuously monitor the knowledge base's performance using analytics and metrics. By doing that, you’ll be aware of any bugs in content usage, user interaction, and the accuracy of the AI model.

Closing Thoughts

A knowledge base is the backbone of any company, as it is the centralized hub of all information. Infused with the power of AI, it takes employee and customer experience to a whole new level – something our AI knowledge base solution, Atlas UP, does very well. It ensures you have everything covered to streamline your operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is knowledge base in AI?

An AI knowledge base is a centralized data hub where employees and customers can access useful information within seconds. It answers your questions while the human workforce focuses on other important tasks that require personalized attention. Two main components of the AI knowledge base are natural language processing and machine learning.

How to build a knowledge base with AI?

Building an AI knowledge base is much easier and faster when you’re utilizing software that makes your task cut out. AtlasUP can be a great choice, as it seamlessly integrates internal systems across HR, Finance, Sales, and Project Management to harness the power of Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing, creating a fusion between humans and AI.

What is the 4 knowledge representation in AI?

There are different methods of representing the knowledge base in AI. This includes logic, semantic network, production rules, and frame.

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